The Wave of Oneness

There is, in meditation, a blessed opportunity to experience and expand into the Oneness of All That Is. When I first sat in silence, I didn’t know I was meditating. I was experiencing organized religion and began each day with my “quiet time.” There were moments when I felt the Divine Presence so completely that my body seemed to float. It was twenty years before I decided to try meditation. Wasn’t I surprised!

Taking yoga and sitting in silence at the end of our practice brought me to a different experience of meditation. My awareness began to expand and more and more often I melted into what I came to call “that sweet place.” Still I thought much of this was really outside of me. I was living in the bible belt of the south and, believe me, there were few yoga classes and even fewer enlightened teachers. I met New Agers (love them!) and those learning and following Native American traditions (oh yes, love them too!). I studied it all. People loaned or gave me books by Deepak Chopra and Abraham. I was open to Truth in any form. I had lived long enough by then to understand I could be open to all and keep what resonated with my personal journey, my truth.

My practice of sitting in silence took hold and became a natural part of my days and nights. Eknath Easwaran’s teachings came to me through my first yoga teacher. I was never able to visit his Blue Mountain Retreat in northern Califonia but my practiced blossomed as I listened to his tapes. I will never forget the freedom of him saying that a mantra is an uplifting phrase in any language that centers the mind and helps me be in the moment.

I began to enter more and more into the Oneness of All That Is and I came to understand that it is found within. The wave of oneness arises from True Self and engulfs every level of my being, every level of energy that I Am – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. It arises from within rather than washing over me from with-out.

In the Oneness of All That Is, I Am Whole. In the Wholeness of All That Is, I Am One.

I heard Yogananda sing a chant on one of his tapes that is titled “The Wave of the Sea Returns to the Sea.”  Oh yeah. Close your eyes. Feel it. Feel the wave of oneness; let it lift you and then realize you are the wave.

I love you. Namaste.

I Am All That I Am

Everything that identifies me in this human body and personality, in this lifetime, is my “address.” My name, my face, my voice, my story – all of these are like the numbers outside my apartment door. They help others find me so that they can ask me to come out and play! Beyond that, these things are not Who I Am.

I Am the Soul giving life to this body.

I Am Divine Love in Human Form.

I Am Life Itself.

I Am Love unfolding.

I Am a spiritual being.

I Am One.

I Am Whole.

I Am Peace, Joy, Light.

I Am All That I Am.

Who Are You?

Who Am I?

This is the question of a lifetime. It is the central, primary question of introspection and self-inquiry. The answer changes and refines itself over and over again. Over time the answer becomes clearer and simpler and more powerful. I can answer it in as few as two words and I can expand on what those two words mean in any given moment. A few weeks ago, I wrote the following in my meditation journal?

I AM Divine Love manifesting in human form. I came into this form in order to experience Love and Life on a sensory, sensual level. I carry some residue from being trained by those who did not remember who they are and I bring some in from past lifetimes not yet fully resolved and actualized. In this current journey, that residue has been burning away in the light of Divine Love. I AM a spiritual being inhabiting a human form in order to love myself and others fully and unconditionally. I come with gifts of teaching, encouraging, communicating from the Divine within this form. I AM one with All That Is. I abide in the wisdom and peace of my Soul. I AM ALL THAT I AM now and forever, Amen.

I AM one with all others and in the Oneness of All That Is we are whole. In the Wholeness of All That Is we are one. We are Namaste in this world.